like river inlet frozen with cold
once moving waters become solid ice
changes toward warm, light, softening hard surfaces
penetrating slowly, quietly, subtly dissolving, freeing; returning to agility, elegance and easeful flow
this like the warmth of Heart softening hard surfaces, sharp edges, freeing entrapped energies
natural warmth, native intelligence returns us to the ancient and ever-new
the Way alive, pulsating with Life
opening to the Way opening relax the body, soften the mind, welcome the ever-new
softening with and by the Way ~ grace with grace ~ melts hardened certainties, aggression dissipates, gentleness arises
the Way is experienced by you the way you relate with the Way
yet, regardless of how you experience the Way the Way is always more than your experience of the Way
so, again, relax, soften, and welcome the natural warmth that relaxes, softens, and welcomes
flowing at-one with flowing at-ease
*Brian Wilcox. "moving at-one With the flow". Flickr.
(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2019.